Terms of Service


Introduction: These Terms of Use govern your use of CaribeFans and your agreement with us. Here are a few key things to note:

  • We can modify these Terms of Service at any time.
  • If you purchase a Subscription, it will automatically renew for additional periods of the same duration unless you cancel it.
  • Your rights may vary depending on where you are resident when you access CaribeFans.
  • If a dispute arises between you and us, you agree to notify us and agree to mediation before bringing any claim against us.

Interpretation: In the Terms of Service:

  • We refer to our website as "CaribeFans," including when accessed via the URL www.caribefans.club
  • References to "we," "our," and "us" are references to CaribeFans International Limited, the operator of CaribeFans.
  • "Business User": a User who uses CaribeFans for commercial reasons, whether acting on their own behalf or through someone else, including Referring Users.
  • "Consumer": all Users who are not Business Users.
  • "Content": any material uploaded to CaribeFans by any User, including any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, text, metadata, images, interactive features, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
  • "Contract between Fan and Creator": the terms which govern each Creator Interaction.
  • "Creator": a User who has set up their CaribeFans account to post Content for Fans to view.
  • "Creator Earnings": the portion of a Fan Payment payable to a Creator pursuant to these Terms of Service after deducting all fees and applying all relevant tax laws.
  • "Creator Interaction": an interaction on CaribeFans that grants access to a Creator's Content, including: (i) a Subscription; (ii) a payment for pay-per-view Content; and (iii) any other interaction or payment between a User and a Creator's account or Content, including direct messages.
  • "Fan": a User who has registered for an account and who can access a Creator's Content via a Creator Interaction.
  • "Fan Payment": any payment related to a Creator Interaction.
  • "Include," "Includes," and "Including" also mean "without limitation."
  • "Indirect Sales Taxes": any Tax that is statutorily applied to Fan Payments in any relevant jurisdiction.
  • "Notice," "Notify," and "Notification": our attempt to share information with you by: sending a message to your CaribeFans account, sending an email to an address you provide, posting a letter to the physical address you provide, or sending a text message to or calling a phone number you provide.
  • "Referring User": a User who participates in the CaribeFans Referral Program.
  • "Subscription": a Fan's binding agreement to obtain access for a specific period to all content that a Creator makes available to Fans in exchange for authorized automatic renewal payments. This excludes individually priced content.
  • "Subsidiary": a legal entity of which CaribeFans or a CaribeFans Subsidiary, alone or with other CaribeFans Subsidiaries, owns or has the power to vote or control.
  • "Tax": all forms of tax and statutory, governmental charges, duties, imposts, contributions, levies, withholdings, or liabilities wherever chargeable in any applicable jurisdiction.
  • "Terms of Service" (also called "your agreement with us"): the legally binding agreement between you and us, which consists of: (i) these Terms of Use; (ii) Acceptable Use Policy; (iii) Referral Program Terms; (iv) Platform to Business Regulation Terms; (v) Complaints Policy; (vi) Appeals Policy; (vii) VAT Policy; and (viii) Community Guidelines.
  • "Upload": publish, display, post, type, input, or otherwise share any photos, videos, audio, livestream material, data, text, metadata, images, interactive features, emojis, GIFs, memes, and any other material whatsoever.
  • "User": any user of CaribeFans, whether a Creator or a Fan, or both (also referred to as "you" or "your").

Who we are and how to contact us: CaribeFans is operated by CaribeFans International Limited. We are a limited company registered in Delaware United States.

To contact us with questions, please email support@caribefans.club or use our Contact Form.